
[FlyFF] Penya Guide 2 - Merchanting

Penya Guide 2

These guides are viable and updated for the v19 version of FlyFF!


∙ Patience 
∙ Decent amount of penya
∙ Preferably knowledge of prices 

NOTE: There's no level requirement.

Let's get started!

Merchanting or also "reselling" means buying something cheap and selling it again to players for a higher price. This is also one of the best methods of making money in most MMORPG's.
I recommend buying upgraded Sets/Weapons, Sunstones/Moonstones, Premium Items(powerups, scrolls, etc.), Fashion (Cash-Shop) or Pet Feed. Why? Because those thend to sell the best, you generally never want to get stuck with the items you bought for reselling purposes.
If you bought something, you can open a shop in the Market Town and just go AFK. Describe what you are selling in the Shop Name, don't just type random letters. You can also advertise your items by shouting (check end of guide for pictures) be it with a "Full Shout" (fullshout) or without one. I recommend buying a Full Shout only when you have a lot of money or you are selling items that are hard to obtain such as upgraded gear/rare Fashion.

How can you know the prices if you're new?

∙ Ask on the forum, there's a Price Check thread.
∙ Always ask for offers before saying your price.
∙ Ask around many players.
∙ Watch the market prices.
(check everyday prices of a said item and make a list of the prices you find, 
that way you can see what's the average price)
∙ Play the game, you'll eventually have enough experience with the game.

WARNING: Never buy an item if you don't know its real value. Never buy useless items. Always aim, if you can, for items that are in demand. This is very time consuming and it takes a while to fully understand how everything works.

Game Abbreviations

C/O = current offer
M/O = mail offer
A/W = awaiting
L/O = leave offer
WTB = wanting to buy
WTS = wanting to sell
S> = selling
B> = buying
AFK = away from keyboard
K = 1,000 (one thousand)
M = 1,000,00 (one million)
B = 1,000,000,000 (one billion)
QI = Quest Items


 Press the button covered in the green box to write a message in shout mode. 
When you're done, grab the speech bubble and drag it to a hot key. 
This will let you shout the same message without retyping it everytime.



That was it. If you have any suggestions or questions, 
feel free to leave them in the comment section below. 
Happy FlyFFing!


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